pip install tristan
Image binning
Tristan is a python package that provides a set of prototype tools for processing data collected on Tristan, the experimental timepix3-based event-mode detector in use at Diamond Light Source.
Intead of images, this detector collects an event stream recording the pixel where the photon hit the detector, its timestamp (time of arrival) and energy (time over threshold). The processing consists in binning these events into one or more images.
Single image tool
To bin all the events into a single image, for powder processing or similar, use the images single` command, alias images 1.
This accepts as input either the <file-name-stem>.nxs file, the <file-name-stem>_meta.h5 file or just the collection directory, if only a single data set has been saved there.
images single /path/to/file
Multiple image tool
To bin the events into a chronological image sequence, for example a rotation scan, use images multi.
As input, this command also accepts the <file-name-stem>.nxs file, the <file-name-stem>_meta.h5 file or the collection parent directory if unique. Additionally, it is also necessary to specify either the number of images, with -n, or the exposure time, with -e, to know how many images the events should be binned into.
images multi /path/to/file -n 1750
images multi /path/to/file -e .1ms
-e accepts most human-readable specifications of units, eg. -e 100us, -e 100µs, -e .1ms, etc…
Another availabe option for this tool is the -a flag, alias –align-trigger, which aligns the image start time with the first specified trigger signal. This is useful for examining changes in the sample after a trigger signal.
images multi -n 400 -a TTL-rising /path/to/file
Static sequence pump-probe tool
The tool images pump-probe, alias images pp, aggregates all the events from a pump-probe measurement, divides the pump rep period into bins of equal ‘width’ in time and creates an image for each bin. The resulting sequence of images describes the evolution of the system following a pump pulse, averaged over all pump pulses.
Similarily to images multi, this tool requires the trigger type to be specified with -t, and the bin ‘width’ with -e` or the number of bins with -n.
images pp -n 20 -t TTL-rising /path/to/file
For example, this tool could be used to create a ‘waterfall plot’ of the intensity of a single reflection from a static sample, as it evolves in response to pump pulses.
Multiple sequence pump-probe tool
To bin events into images representing different pump-probe delays, use images sequences, alias images sweeps. This tool first divides the pump rep period into bins of equal duration and then creates a sweep of images for each bin, using only the events that fall into that bin. The result is a sequence, or sweep, of images for each pump-probe delay bin.
In the same manner as images multi, it is required to set either the exposure time of the images with -e, or the number of images per sweep with -n. As for the triggers, the trigger signal is specified with -t, as in images pp. It is also necessary to provide the pump-probe delay intervals either by duration, with -i, or by number, with -x.
images sequences -x 20 -n 180 -t TTL-rising /path/to/file
For example, this could be used to deconstruct a rotation data collection into several rotation datasets, each corresponding to a different pump-probe delay window.
Serial crystallography tool (gated access)
To bin events into images gated by trigger signals, use images serial, which will write one image per gate signal. Each ‘gate-open’ signal is taken as the start of an exposure and the next ‘gate-close’ signal is taken as the end of the exposure.
This tool requires at least the rising edge of the trigger signal, specified with -g, to be passed as gate open and will then look for the corresponding falling edge to be used as gate close.
images serial -g SYNC-rising /path/to/file
In some cases, it might be more useful to look at the events collected between different kinds of trigger signals, by specifying the gate open signal with -g and the gate close using the -c flag as in the example below.
images serial -g TTL-rising -c SYNC-falling /path/to/file
Apply the flatfield correction
A tool to apply the flat-field correction to the binned images if needed. It is possible to choose whether to multiply or divide the images by the flat-field.
apply-flat-field /path/to/binned_img_file /path/to/flatfield_file {multiply, divide}